Alfred Witte's Human Design Chart

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          Alfred Witte's Biography

          German Uranian astrologer who established a sophisticated system of spatial reference and founded the Hamburg School. He was an occultist, psychic and astrological author. While serving on the Russian Front during WW I, 1914-1918, he attempted to predict the times that Russian artillery barrages would take place based on astrological records he kept of the sequence. He insisted that anomalies must be due to an incomplete reference and that other planets, as yet undiscovered, were responsible. The advocate of an esoteric and experimental astrology, he was the initiator of Uranian Astrology and one of its most progressive innovators. Together with his friend and collaborator F. Sieggruen he discovered by intuition the four hypothetical planets, Cupido, Hades, Zeus and Kronos (of the eventual eight Transneptunians). He developed the midpoint method and the graphical planetary structures, which R. Ebertin, an early student of Witte, integrated into Cosmobiology. He was the author of “Regelwerk der Planeten,” 1925, the basic reference book of the Uranian School (Hamburger Schule).
          For employment, Witte worked as a land surveyor for the Board of Works. Hitler banned Witte’s astrology on the recommendation of his advisors. After an intensive investigation by the Gestapo, fearing the repercussions to his wife and family, Witte committed suicide on 4 August 1941 at 4:01 AM (MEDT) in Hamburg, Germany. A number of his students were sent to concentration camps.
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          Alfred Witte