Alphonse Guérin's Human Design Chart

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          Alphonse Guérin's Biography

          French surgeon, a specialist in urologic surgery, known for genitourinary terms that contain his name including “Guérin’s glands” (today referred to as periurethral glands, or as Skene’s glands), “Guérin’s sinus” (the lacuna magna; a diverticulum or cul-de-sac behind Guérin’s valve), and “Guérin’s valve” (a fold or valve of mucous membrane in the navicular fossa).
          In 1870, Guérin introduced the practice of using cotton-wool bandages for prevention of wound infections. He described a horizontal fracture of the maxilla immediately above the teeth and palate, that is known today as a “Le Fort I fracture”, or sometimes as a “Guérin fracture”.
          He died on 21 February 1895, aged 78, in Paris.
          Link to Wikipedia biography

          Alphonse Guérin