Brian May's Human Design Chart

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          Brian May's Biography

          American broadcaster, the originator of a station called Malibu Folk that was syndicated to more than 40 public radio stations.
          On 4/15/1955, 11:00 AM, Santa Monica, Brian was one of 79 kids in the U.S. who received polio shots from a corrupt batch of vaccine and he was left paralyzed. He spent 16 months in an iron lung and for the rest of his life, needed 24-hour care and a respirator to breathe. In 1962, the family got a $350,000 court settlement from the lab but he outlived the money and had a financial struggle.
          From a wheelchair in his home studio, he engineered and recorded performances and interviews with struggling players, singers and songwriters to create his award winning radio show. In 1990, Brian was given the National Victory Award for the Disabled. Living a remarkably full life, he even married. He died at age 45, 7/05/1995, Malibu, CA.