Gianfranco Stevanin's Human Design Chart

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          Gianfranco Stevanin's Biography

          Italian serial killer, called the Monster of Terrazzo. Stevanin killed six women then cut them up and put them different places by his house and in the neighborhood. Also suspected of more murders, he was sentenced to the gas chamber.
          On 11/21/1976, when Stevanin was 17, he was in a motorcycle crash in which he suffered serious head trauma. Between the end of 1978 and early 1979, he was tried for kidnapping and assault and battery and understood to be mentally ill.
          On 3/03/1983, he was condemned for a homicide as he had run over a woman on a bicycle. On 7/04/1989, he kidnapped and raped a prostitute, for which he was sentenced nine years later. On 11/16/1994, Stevanin was arrested at a toll booth in Vicenza because he was denounced by an Austrian prostitute who managed to escape and identify him.
          In later searches (warrants) there was found the documents of two women who had disappeared, porno material, and graphic photos of his crimes. Later the body-parts of four cut-up women were found in the fields around the “house of horrors.”