Herbert Spencer's Human Design Chart

    36 22 37 6 49 55 30 21 26 51 40 50 32 28 18 48 57 44 60 58 41 39 19 52 53 54 38 14 29 5 34 27 42 9 3 59 1 7 13 25 10 15 2 46 8 33 31 20 16 62 23 56 35 12 45 24 47 4 17 43 11 64 61 63

        Chart Properties

          Your Type is like a blueprint for how you best interact with the world. It's determined by the way energy flows through your defined centers and channels in your chart.
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          Herbert Spencer's Biography

          British writer and philosopher who was credited with the phrase “survival of the fittest.” A well-educated man, he was first published with “Social Status” in 1850 and had a two-volume autobiography published posthumously.
          His health deteriorated in old age from chronic disorder of the brain, possibly Alzheimer’s disease, and he died on 12/08/1903.
          Link to Wikipedia biography

          Herbert Spencer's Chart
          Your Type is like a blueprint for how you best interact with the world. It's determined by the way energy flows through your defined centers and channels in your chart.