Phil Mahre's Human Design Chart

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          Phil Mahre's Biography

          American skier who is a three-time World Cup Champ and winner of both the Silver and Bronze medals in the 1980 Olympics, one of the top 20 skiers in the world.
          Phil is the second of identical twins, born four minutes after his brother Steve. They were the fifth and sixth of nine kids born in a ski area managed by their dad. Skiing from age four, they are aggressive on the slopes and generally take more chances than anyone else. Even for twins, they spend an inordinate amount of time together. Both 5′ 9″, 170 lbs, they are a handsome pair who are hard to tell apart.
          Phil is married and has one son who was born on 2/19/1984. He said that 1984 would probably be his last year, “Instead of thinking about my skiing career, my mind often wanders to the future and my family.” The Mahre’s were reportedly earning more than $200,000 apiece annually for their “trust funds,” while retaining their amateur status.
          Link to Wikipedia biography