You Just Found Out You Are a Human Design Reflector…Now What?

By Guin White, High-Level Quantum Transformation & Empowerment Guide
As a Reflector, you are one of the most uniquely rare and receptive people alive.**
Reflectors have all their Energy Centers open and their human design chart looks almost empty (scroll down and see the images below). This means Reflectors are fully open to the world and to others. Because of these open Centers, by design you take in the energy of everybody else, seeing the world through others’ eyes, sampling a frequency of energy and reflecting it back to them.
Through your receptivity you have the potential to be the wisest of the wise, and you’re designed to experience your life as a reflection of your environment and those around you.
Being so open, receptive, and available is accompanied by enormous vulnerability, especially if you have been told to behave like everyone around you.
Reflectors make up less than 1 percent of the world’s population, so you have committed to living a very different life.
You sense things in your environment that others miss. You may even absorb others’ thoughts, feelings, motivations, wants, manifestations, and values, and you can easily become overwhelmed by those internal sensations which become your own if you are not careful. Finding time to be alone on a daily basis will help you to remain clear and minimally affected by other people. Therefore, taking time and space to actively release the energy you absorb is essential.
As one of the most sensitive people on the planet, you have been misunderstood all your life as you innately go about reflecting the world back to itself. And as much as everyone would like to have your wise input, it is imperative that you set boundaries. These boundaries will not only involve your living situation but any work environment as well.
Living in an apartment complex or in close range of other people’s energetic influences is NOT advisable for you as a Reflector. You need to have your own space, and if you live in a shared domicile, you need your own area of that space if possible. Likewise for your work, you will need to set up a space that is separate from others so that you can process – and integrate if necessary – all the various energies you’ve taken in and taken on.
When you give yourself time every day to reflect on your experiences, you will find your day is filled with gems of meaning and truth. These gems become a storehouse of wisdom that can be shared with anyone who asks. Great patienced will be required in order to live authentically as a fulfilled Reflector, though you will begin to realize that you have an inner agreement with life to trust in the flow of whatever shows up. This is not to suggest that you are powerless, but simply to acknowledge a certain vulnerability, like that of a flower which can be easily crushed if it is not guarded. When cherished, nurtured, and protected, you hold within your nature an indescribable gift.
Don’t get me wrong.
**Reflectors are powerful.**
You are not at the mercy of your openness. You can be “sensitive but tough” as [Becca (@hdundefined) says]( Also, there’s not a ‘typical’ Reflector because you reflect the people and environments around you.
“If you are a Reflector, you may have finally understood why you feel so different from everyone around you – you may well be excited to learn more about your extraordinary design.” ~Richard Rudd (founder of [The Gene Keys](
1. Because you take in all the various energies from the people and environments around you, your biggest challenge is that you must learn to wait approximately 29 days (a full Lunar cycle) before making any major decisions in order to live in full alignment. This is true no matter how certain you may feel about something in the moment.
2. You must be in the right geographical location—the place that feels good and like home for your life to feel right. When you are in the right place, you meet the right people, are part of the right communities, and life feels aligned. Under these circumstances, making decisions can feel easier and far more fulfilling.
3. Your openness may make you seem almost invisible to others, and you may overcompensate by trying to get attention. You may have “adapted” with behaviors like acting out, speaking when not recognized or invited, hopping from relationship to relationship – or place to place – in an attempt to “find yourself.” All this inevitably leads to energy drain, feeling lost, burnout and depression.
4. Not understanding the mechanics of your design, you may feel deeply disappointed in others – and in life. But it’s that very openness that grants you the potential for great wisdom and insight for yourself and others, if you learn how to leverage it and work with it correctly.
5. Reflectors often struggle with ‘merging’ in their personal relationships when they don’t understand the nature of their openness and their capacity for deep empathy. **Often, the life of a Reflector can get hi-jacked by the energy of the people surrounding them, and they can lose their direction in life.**
6. Consistency is vital for the Reflector. Reflectors need to have people whose auras they know. It is common for Reflectors to have lifelong friends and to find it difficult to disentangle themselves from the energy of their parents simply because you experience so much inconsistently. The consistency of the people you know not only makes you feel safe but provides a stable foundation from which to launch yourself into your life’s work.
7. Because of the length of time it takes for you to reach clarity, you don’t transition quickly, and you need time to make major life changes, such as leaving home, moving, starting a new job, and entering into a longterm relationship.
What you must know – and logically understand – is that any kind of pressure you experience is detrimental to your health.
By taking the time to make important decisions and knowing that the time spent on considering all the angles is how your success is come by, you will realize how vital it is to keep from letting anyone pressure you.
Reflectors like you are lunar beings, tied to the lunar cycle. This means that how you’re wired to live (and one of your major life lessons) is to wait approximately 29 days (a full Lunar cycle) before making any major decisions.
What do you do during those 29 days?
Speak with different people about your decisions. As a Reflector, you need to have trusted advisors…people in your life who will serve as your sounding board, not because you need advice or input—*you don’t*—but because you need to hear yourself talk about what you are feeling about your choices.
Life for you is an objective experience. As you move through life, repeatedly discovering the truth of “this isn’t me,” your openness may be exhausting or overwhelming, so it is important to have your own space where you can relax and recharge (or dis-charge, as the case may be). The same goes for rest and sleep.
You do not carry any inherent motorized energy within your being which means that, ideally speaking, you go to bed as soon as you begin to feel tired and, if possible, you sleep in your own space alone.
With all your energy centers being open, it doesn’t mean you are broken or empty. Your mind could easily come to the conclusion that your unique qualities are bad or wrong, but Reflectors carry in their being a deep potential to know the potential for others – and the possibilities for humanity. This is actually one of your biggest gifts…a superpower in fact.
– Seeing, sensing and feeling what others miss. Your attunement to what’s happening in the people, spaces, environment and world around you.
– Your ability to see what’s not working around you and how things can be improved, and the absolute treasure and gift that your perspective and reflections are.
– Your ability to identify and express yourself in a multitude of ways and to not feel limited by one way of expressing or being.
– Your innate wisdom and objectivity. Your ability to remind us all that we are each unique and meant to do things differently.
Reflectors need people because they depend on the energetic connections that others provide. But they also require ample alone time so they can discharge all energy that they absorb through their open design.
Some things to remember when in a relationship WITH A REFLECTOR since they have a need to discharge others’ energy from their system:
– Love this Reflector just as they are; don’t try to change them, and learn to appreciate their very important role for humanity.
– Reflectors need space and time period, so give them the space and time to be themselves.
– Allow them to manage their energy; don’t pressure or push them.
– Honor their decision-making process, once again, allowing them the time they need to reach their clarity.
– Let them speak without judgment or interruption; Reflectors need to hear their issues and feelings reflected back to them through you in order to reach clarity within themself.
– Help them recognize when a person or an environment is not healthy for them.
– Understand that, in certain ways, they may need you more than you need them.
– Know that you will see the truth about yourself through them; learn to be okay with that revelation.
– Don’t take their disappointments personally; it’s their nature and one of the signature processing emotions to leads them to clarity.
Because of the absolute uniqueness of the Reflector experience, you need three things to make abundant, authentic choices in your life and work:
First, you need to be in a location and an environment that feels good to you. You need to love where you live and work, and you need to love who your live and work with. If those two factors are out of alignment, you will feel stuck or trapped and your abundance flow will stagnate.
Next, you need time… lots of time. It takes time for a Reflector to sort out everyone else’s energy amidst their own. Not only that, you are deeply impacted by the movement of the moon through your energetic bluepring (your human design chart), changing the nature of your own energy over the course the lunar cycle – 28-29 days – to wait and feel your way into making aligned decisions.
Finally, because Reflectors have very little if any consistent inherent energy within themselves, they need relationships that “reflect” their own decision-making process. You need to be able to talk through your decisions aloud and see your choices “reflected” through others in that conversation.
You do not have consistent energy for working. Although you can experience enormous amounts of energy that you absorb from others and the environment – and you can be tremendously powerful – your energy is neither reliable nor sustainable. Because of this, traditional work hours can be difficult (if not impossible) for you to maintain without regular cycles of rest and rejuventation.
You can imagine if you are not designed to work, need a minimum of 29 days and lots of conversations to make the best decision for yourself that it’s challenging for you to tap into a sustainable flow of abundance, particularly when you don’t understand your very unique “wiring.”
In my limited experience with Reflectors, I’ve found that the most successful ones have created a lifestyle that’s actually quite simple: *it’s one where they are lovingly supported by others (people who vibrate at a very high frequency) and by the nurturing environments they’ve set up for themselves*.
Reflectors can love and feel deeply; they have the ability to know the full potential of what it means to live in community together and to experience all that it means to be human. They bear witness to the human process and potential. This can be beautiful but also disappointing for the Reflector, especially if they are in the wrong community or locations, or with the wrong people.
The disappointment of the Reflector can cause them to turn away from the world and from serving as the powerful barometers of the communities they actually desire and love to serve. Reflectors can also experience deep disappointment about their own personal choices. When they don’t know to wait and talk through their decisions with others, Reflectors can make hasty decisions that don’t turn out like they expect. This can make it traumatic for Reflectors to not only trust themselves, but also the abundant nature of life and in their ability to tap into a prosperous life.
Our world isn’t really set up for you as a Reflector.
The challenge of feeling pressured – whether it’s to take on too much, to work too hard, or to make quick decisions – can deeply impair your own natural process of aligning with what’s right (aligned) and abundant for you. The most important thing for you is to find your right place and to take your time getting there. To do this, your life necessitates supportive people and environments.
– You are more than a Reflection of the environment and people around you
– Just like a mirror still exists without a person standing in front of it, you are still YOU even though you are here to Reflect
– You are here to reflect the “we”, but you are still amazing, worthy, wonderful and valid all on your own
FAMOUS REFLECTORS: Sandra Bullock, Rosalynn Carter, Uri Geller, Richard Burton