Become An Affiliate

Earn passive income empowering as many people as possible to live their true authentic lives.
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What's On Offer

We've made it as attractive as possible for our affiliates to promote the platform.

$0.25 Per Sign Up

For every unique free remember you refer, you earn $0.25 (subject to email confirmation and additional checks)

Multilevel Referrals

You earn a % of everything generated by the people that you've referred. So when they promote HDAI, you earn from their efforts.

20% Recurring Commissions

Every membership you refer earns you a 20% recurring commission. As long as they're subscribed, you keep earning.

5% Bookings Rewards

Get a 5% commission on every paid booking with one of our Professionals made through your referral.

Lifetime Loyalty

Benefit from lifetime referrals. Whether a user you introduced buys today or years later, you'll reap the rewards.

60 Day Cookie Period

Every membership you refer earns you a 20% recurring commission. As long as they're subscribed, you keep earning.

Why Stands Out From The Rest..

Asides from the karmic benefits of helping others understand themselves better, there are many reasons to promote our platform. 
  • Pioneering platform - We were the first to integrate Artificial Intelligence with the Human Design System.

  • Growing popularity - Two successful and increasingly popular niches, artificial intelligence and Human Design.

  • People love our product - Our users always return, feeling a deep sense of appreciation for our tools.

  • Great conversion rates - People are always happy to invest in understanding themselves better.

Frequent Questions

Asides from the karmic benefits of helping others understand themselves better, there are many reasons to promote our platform.

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