HDAI Updates – Mid October 2024


I really hope you’re keeping well out there.

What a rollercoaster it’s been, ey? It’s been a while now since my last newsletter, it’s almost difficult to catch up. The world changes so fast, everything’s getting a bit weirder..

Elon Musk just announced humanoid robots that can do virtually anything you ask of them (without complaining), ChatGPT has full voice functionality for real time voice conversations (which we’ll be incorporating into the tool, ironically, very soon.) AI can replicate voices, videos, music – virtually everything human’s used to do is being replaced. But what about us? What are we supposed to do?

Thats why Human Design is so important at this very moment in time.

That’s why YOU are important right now. That’s why I’m so passionate about dedicating myself to supporting you in making this knowledge as easy to access as possible, because soon enough all we’ll need to do, is work on ourselves.

You have a role to play..

Those who have come into awareness of this system during this global transition are destined to play a role, following our strategy and authority can lead us there when we’re open to it.

The New World won’t be based on scarcity, human capital, or fear based manipulation and control. It’s going to become so evidently clear that we’re all here to support and guide each other into enlightenment and those that continue to choose fear and scarcity will continue to experience the Old World, as it crumbles.

What is enlightenment?

I was a little bit frustrated with myself after sending the last email offering a 7 day free trial for the Personal plan. My intention was to highlight the perfection of having a business in your pocket, one where there are millions of people looking for answers and you have a means to help. For me enlightenment is reaching a state of pure bliss, it’s having more than enough of everything, it’s about becoming love instead of demanding it.

But my wording wasn’t right, I referred to this experience as a collapse but in fact, thats not really the case. It’s the collapse of darkness but the birth of light – anything of low vibration will fade out as we transcend this horrific matrix system into the rebirth of integrity, of inner peace, of wisdom. It’s a revolution albeit slightly terrifying and full of uncertainty.

We’re gonna be OK, my friend. Like spiritual warriors in a sea of darkness – the divine has a plan for those of us determined to love and support humanity in our own unique ways. Whether it’s teaching Human Design, taking care of others, or simply being the best version of ourselves so we can shine so bright, others have hope.

On a personal note..

Forgive me for a slow progress these last few weeks, I took time off to rest, reflect and relocate. Yin (my dog) and I are renovating a small truck to explore Thailand and live life on the road for a bit. Finally the platform reached a state of stability, consistently working as expected. We ironed out most of the bugs, fixing 3rd party chart info, compatibility readings, login issues, speed issues etc.*

I just want to thank every single one our members for your continued love and support in this journey. It’s so wonderful to see the community connecting with each other, to hear stories about how Bella changes lives, to see our professionals getting exposure (slowly but surely for their work.)

A special thank you so our Personal Lifetime and Pro Lifetime members who literally keep me and the platform alive as we work towards our collective dream of getting Human Design out there, as fast as possible to as many people as we can.

Seeing you guys build businesses and offering readings to other people using our tool is probably one of the best feelings in the world.

Moving forward..

There’s so much to come with HDAI, tons of exciting announcements to be unveiled shortly. Our roadmap might have some clues. Give me a moment or two to catchup and we’ll keep moving ahead. This is a movement like no other, one with the power and potential to really impact the world. Imagine where we’d be if hundreds of millions of people knew how to make decisions in alignment, to use their energy correctly and dedicate themselves to the service of others.

It’s a lot of work, but it’s not something I’m supposed to do alone…

Blissfully aware of the magnitude of this mission, I’m in the process of partnering with a full service app development agency who are passionate about building tools that help people. HDAI as it stands is a working MVP, it’s not perfect but it does what it’s supposed to (finally). It’s a tool for self understanding but its also a way to earn an income helping others during challenging times. I want us to build on that.

My focus moving forward is to raise awareness of this vision. To build a powerful network of influential people who can help us bring this knowledge into mass consciousness. If you’re someone interested in collaborating in someway or another, whether its doing a podcast, a cross promotion, anything that’s mutually beneficial – I’d love to hear from you. Don’t be shy, we’re all about collaboration here at HDAI.

Multilevel Referrals..

On that last point, if you’re an affiliate, or you’ve been referring people to the platform. Please double check your affiliate links, we had a couple of mysterious referrals. Also check out your own referrals page if you haven’t already, we pay multilevel referrals so you can pass your link onto influencers and get a small percentage when they generate revenue.

We even a have new beautiful promo video you can share: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD952r5cGC8

To your happiness, peace and abundance,
With love,
4/1 Splenic Projector

*I’m aware there a some issues when using the tool in different languages, the dev team is working on it.